Blogs which are about golf, golf equipment, golf courses, or golfers are to be found here.
Regular Blogs
Golf instructor and author Andrew Rice keeps this blog lively with his thoughts on golf and golfers as well as his swing philosophy and the game as it currently is.
Provides news and opinions about golf and golfers from the comfort of the blogger's own chair. Contains items such as a list of gorgeous golf swings, and various tournaments.
Infused with plenty of humor this blog focuses on the game of golf, golf stories, and golfers including Tiger Woods.
Patricia Hannigan, owner of “Golf Girl's Diary,” was also one of the first female independent golf bloggers. She specializes in giving voice to the female perspective on gender issues in golf.
Consists of articles about the sport of golf. You can find out about America's best public golf courses, find low cost trips to golf destinations, and other topics. If you are looking to find a place to take a golf vacation, then this blog is well worth visiting.
Golfgal is a personal weblog by a marketing consultant who blogs about everything that is related to the sport of golf. This weblog features golf news and commentary from the author's perspectives. This weblog also features golf tournaments and also provides interviews and information on pro golfers.
A weblog dedicated to the sport of golf that provides golf tips and instructions. This weblog also contains golf articles and other golf related posts. This weblog helps you to improve your skills and shoot like a professional golfer.