Natural science, which include chemistry, biology, physics, and geology along with other physical sciences, is the focus of this category.
Life SciencesPhysical Sciences |
Regular Blogs
A searchable blog of every bad science columns published since 2003. This wide ranging categorical blog contains posts on topics from adverts to weight loss. This weblog is authored and maintined by Dr. Ben Goldacre, an award winning writer, broadcaster and medical doctor.
Contains entries written by an American biologist. The blog has recently explored the importance of open access in scientific research, green tea, developments in medicine and physiology and the 2008 financial crisis that has affected so many people in the world.
Hosted by the Library of Congress, this blog presents details as to where to find information related to science and technology within the Library's vast collection of books, prints, collections, and other resources it holds.
This weblog serves as a science resource for it provides the latest news and updates, developments and other facts about the world of science. It holds a vast number of science topics including animals, health, environment, technology, history, space and astronomy. The weblog also features strange news and other scientific breakthroughs that affects the society.
Covers earth, heavens, body, culture and technology. Includes the latest about scientific breakthroughs, articles, in-depth analysis/commentary and a scientific blogging index.
Provides the latest technology and devices. Robert Scobie is a major American blogger and technology enthusiast; you can also access his speaking schedule here. The blog also covers the activities of technology companies such as Microsoft and Google.
A personal weblog by a hula hooping, black belter, radio and TV show producing neurophysiologist who specializes with avian leaning and memory and goes by the name of Dr. Kirsten Sanford. This weblog focuses on providing commentary and analysis about science, the latest science discoveries and other scientific stuff.
A theoretical physicist maintains this blog, which consists of entries about many topics, including quantum theory, biology, and mathematics.
A postdoctoral researcher writes about her work, her life, and science.