Applied mathematics is the branch of math which involves the use of mathematical techniques in order to make sense of other disciplines or branches of science, such as game theory, statistics, and cryptography, just to name a few.
Game Theory |
Regular Blogs
Adventures in Applied Mathematics
A computational mathematician with a PhD in computer science who is also the emoter of a young son finds time to write profusely about her life as well as mathematical ponderings, physics, and supercomputing.
A post doctoral student at UCSD writes for this blog, which is a far-flung entity but which addresses information theory. LaTeX, math in general, and academia.
A math undergraduate studying at MIT shares his passion with all who read his blog. There are entries about estimating roots, quantum mechanics, pi, and lie theory.
You can find all manner of mathematical musings here, including geometry, economic theory, topology, and even the mathematics of a serial killer.
Discusses cryptography and other items which are related to the research of the cryptography group of the University of Bristol. Topics include the embedded systems in voting machines, metrology, and whether or not cryptographic theory is relevant in practical terms.
This blog covers security and security technology with entries about news and opinions about hacking and breeches of security in the marketplace, details about forensic science, commentary about the TSA, and updates about his book, "Liars and Outliers."
CryptoBlog: Data Security and Information Theory
Shares news and information about cryptography, information theory, and codes, with articles about Stuxnet, attacks on cryptographic systems, and various high-profile hackings.
Discusses cryptography and cryptographic security trends with entries by the programmer of a software called CrypTool.
This blog is a twice-weekly discussion of how technology affects learning and teaching at colleges and universities, with numerous entries pertaining to information theory.
Good Math, Bad Math: Information Theory
A computer scientist discusses numerous topics, among them information theory. Entries include those about randomness, the work of Dembski and Marks, and intelligent design as it pertains to information theory.
Maintained by a Princeton University Computer Science Department lecturer, this blog delves into graph theory, mathematics in general, and puzzles.
Contains combinatorial graphs using LaTeX as well as discussing the use of that software in order to draw graphs.
This is the continuation of an older blog which needed to be moved due to changes in software which no longer allowed the first blog to be read properly.
This is an academic weblog about mathematics, including numerous posts about statistics and biostatistics.
Ian's Blog: Information Theory
This blog addresses, among other things, institutions and information flow as well as the relationship of category theory, entropy, and information theory.
Shares details about statistics as the topic relates to economics, finance, and risk with entries about Fibonacci numbers, federal budget cuts, and the use of math in economics.
The large focus of this blog is on information about the GRE, or Graduate Record Examinations, including postings about statistics.
Rip's Applied Mathematics Blog
An applied mathematician who whose job is doing computer models of power plants writes about applied math, including group theory, cyclic groups, polynomials, and calculus.
Tanya Khovanova's Math Blog: Statistics
Although this blog is about math in general, it also focuses on applications of mathematics, including those applications to statistics and probabilities.
Information theory is only one of the many topics which are discussed at this blog, including the Cramer-Rao lower bound and the Fisher information.
Although this blog addresses topics about math, culture, and astronomy among others, it has a rather large section about graph theory, including posts about mathematical games.