Personal weblogs, or those with too many categories to categorize, which begin with the letter A.
Regular Blogs
Maintained by a young woman who is a transplant recipient, this blog is about cystic fibrosis, the transplant, things she reads, and her life in general.
A Smudge on the Collective Unconscious
Eclectic blog about a plethora of things, including training for and running marathons, music, and living in Los Angeles.
A personal weblog by an amateur writer and rabble rouser and a professional programmer and web designer. This wide ranging categorical weblog features posts about the state of Arizona, politics, computers, technology, science, justice, war, world affairs, globalization, economics, sports, history and any topic that might come in interest to the author and contributor.
I share my state of mind, my joys, my disappointments, my reflections, my looks, convinced that each life course may inspire others. I do not make of mine an example or a model to follow and I do not pretend to hold any truth. I only hope that my words will inspire you to reflection and help you find your way on this earth.