The listings in this category are to blogs which talk about being prepared for specific or unpredictable events or situations or how to survive the same sorts of situations.
Regular Blogs
The focus of this blog is on personal safety and preparedness, and related categories include food and food storage, food storage, and gun facts.
Rural survival adherent writes about living rurally, long-term food storage, alternate energy, and self-sufficiency.
Author puts forth information about preparing, escaping, and surviving, including a bugout checklist, equipment reviews, and food storage.
Father of a young family keeps this blog going. Writes about prepping, particularly food storage and emergency kits.
In Case of Emergency, Read Blog
The author of this blog, NPR reporter John Solomon, started this blog as part of his preparation for writing a book in March 2008 and led discussions about public preparedness until his death in November of 2010. Topics include government preparedness, cyber security, and domestic terrorism.
The theme of this weblog is on preparedness, including guns and other weapons, food, and living arrangements.
Knowledge Is the Killer of Fear
Espousing the adage that knowledge is power, this writer seeks to share all his knowledge about possible economic collapse, survival, and how to sustain one's family during times of dire crisis.
Contains information about survival as well as reviews of gear and checklists.
The official blog of Emergency Essentials posts just about anything to do with emergency preparedness including food storage, recipes, water storage, and new product reviews.
Website focused on prepping, emergency preparation, survival, homesteading, first aid, disaster preparedness, self defense and home defense.
Preparedness oriented websites geared towards providing helpful resources and tips on how to be more prepared for disasters.
Urban survivalist offers writings about preparation and tips such as alternate uses for coffee filters.
A team effort of four writers, this blog addresses such things as bugout vehicles, equipment, and foodstuffs.
Contains information about preparedness, survival gear, and ho-to articles and videos for those who wish to find out to solve some of the problems themselves.
Maintained by survivalist author Jim Rawles, this blog's focus is surviving a catastrophe, whether it is massive civil unrest or a terrorist attack. Categories include survival logistics, retreat security, and alternative fuels.
The Bug Out Bag Guide provides information and resources on survival tactics and gear, bug out bags, disaster planning, and emergency preparedness.
The goal of this blogger is to help people who live in suburbia but who believe it is their duty to protect their homes and families and are willing to invest time and money to protect themselves in case of a catastrophe.
A wife and mother writes blog entries about preparing for hard times for her family. She writes about the importance of being prepared and believes that sharing ideas is helpful to all.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest
Written by three friends, this blog is about preparedness, fitness, self-dense, and other things which interest them.