Texas is the largest state in the contiguous United States and, despite the image most non-Texans have of the state, less than 10% of the land there is desert. The rest of the land is prairie, grassland, tropical, and piney woods. The category focuses on weblogs which cover topics such as law, politics, travel and education in Texas.
AustinBeaumontCorpus ChristiDallasEdinburgEl PasoFort WorthHarlingenHoustonHuntsville | KingsvilleParisPearlandPoetryPort AransasSeguinSouth Padre IslandTerrellWaco |
Regular Blogs
Shares information about local events, the San Antonio Spurs, political commentary about local politicians including Kay Bailey Hutchison and Rick Perry as well as Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and John Cornyn. Also shares political cartoons.
Provides information and details about life and government in Addison, with categories including things that are happening in the city, what special events are planned, public safety items, local governmental actions and comments, and things and places of interest to residents as well as tourists.
Amarillo Magazine shares all things which they consider “authentically Amarillo,” with interviews with those who live and work in Amarillo, local photographs, and local events and celebrations.
Information about Arlington is the topic of this weblog. From local weather to upcoming events, and such things as local crime, court decisions, and real estate opportunities, this weblog touches on all sorts of topics.
Discussions here are about issues which are relevant and of interest to the people in the North District of Arlington including items before the City Council. Also goes into campaigns and elections.
Sports, news, and crime are among the topics of the posts here, and the manner in which they pertain to Athens. Coupons and deals are also offered, and local obituaries are also available.
The Azle Memorial Library keeps this weblog updated, with discussions about books, movies, and library programs. Also announces events and book club meetings, and book reviews.
All things relating to animals and animal lovers in Lewisville can be found here, all with numerous photographs. The blog is kept up by Barncats, Incorporated, which takes care in and helps to relocate feral cats in the area. The company looks to find those with barns, stables, farmhouses, and any suitable place to love and house cats.
This weblog was created in order for the blogger to be able to share information about homeschooling in the area, including details about local homeschooling groups, and recommendations for art and music teachers, swimming lessons, and others who can teach.
A Vietnam veteran and geocacher who is also a photojournalist offers his thoughts and opinions about life in Baytown as well as the governmental and political landscape along with his commentary about those things.
The Emergency Room of the local hospital maintains this weblog, which is about all sorts of medical conditions and health in general. Categories are far-flung, but there are large numbers of posts about cancer, diet, infections, and pediatric health. Also talks about medicines and supplements.
Follows of an evangelical group as they testify and witness to others, discuss the bible, prayer, and resources for those who wish to follow in their footsteps. Also shares testimonials for Dr. Horton from patients.
This blog is one filled with posts about everyday life, leadership, politics, responsible finance, and local issues including new ordinances passed and the state of things in America.
Brazoria TX Domestic Violence Charges Lawyer
The criminal law attorneys at Jeffrey R. Gilbert handle criminal defense matters in Brazoria, Texas. News and information relating to various Texas criminal cases are put forward in its blog.
Billing itself as “an unbought voice of the community,” this blog focuses on politics, politics, and election fraud.
Dedicated to local politics and governance, including endorsing candidates, redistribution of water, and Democrat philosophies on issues. Also shares news items from other sources which are pertinent to the city of San Angelo and the residents thereof.
Raised in Texas, the bloggers writes about her internet experiences, her Texas antique shops collections, and her and quilting.
College Station : From Your City Government
The official blog of the City of College Station covers council meetings, which is live-blogged, as well as capital projects, planning & development, police department news, and other governmental items which might be of interest to residents. News about things going on at the governmental level of the city are also covered.
This photoblog displays photographs of Corsicana with fairly long descriptions of the scene. Subjects include churches, clock towers, fountains, horses, animals, and old buildings.
A Victoria marketing services firm advances the knowledge of marketing on the internet with advice about search engines, ads that work, and details about how to succeed on Facebook. Also shares Super Bowl commercials including the banned ones.
Dallas Immigration & Naturalization Law Blog
Maintained by a law firm which handles immigration law matters addresses topics including US permanent residency, family imigration, and child citizenship.
The Denton Drilling Awareness Group, DAG, uses this weblog to keep members and other interesting parties abreast of what is going on in Denton regarding drilling. Topics such as fracking, environmental impact, upcoming events, and press coverage of the group itself as well as the drilling entities.
A small estate sales business in Denton posts items which are going up for sale. Descriptions as well as photographs are part of the postings, as are dates, times, and locations of upcoming sales.
Features posts about environmental issues which are particular to the state of Texas. Includes clean air, clean water, clean energy and global warming.
The official weblog of the City of Farmers Branch sets forth details about local government, upcoming events, and activities which are available and unavailable, mostly depending upon the season. Also announces days the city’s offices and facilities are open or close.
Written by a man just after his election to the Farmers Branch City Council, this weblog is his effort to open communication between him and his constituents. It contains a huge number of comments, many pointing out issues that need to be addressed as well as questions about policies. Most are answered by the blogger, and many are entire chat discussions.
Four Handmaids Orthodox Christian Academy
An orthodox Christian family which homeschools in Bastrop shares information about the history of home-schooling, how to set up a homeschool, and the pitfalls of homeschooling. Also introduces the family itself and how they work things out.
Fredericksburg, the Texas Hill Country
Presents all the information one needs in order to stay current with what’s happening in Fredericksburg, with articles about the history of Fredericksburg, festivals, food and wine, places to shop, and tourist attractions and entertainment.
Maintained by a local real estate agent, this blog began as he began looking for a home for himself. He lays out the description of life in Frisco and essential links to important local sites as well as local political goings-on, including elections and campaigns.
A long-time gardener writes about her plants, birds, butterflies, and thoughts along with a plethora of photographs of all manner of items in that garden.
Maintained by Father Serge, the pastor at Sts. Constantine & Helen Serbian Orthodox Church, this blog dispenses information about those who are within the Island’s Orthodox community and about the events and news about them.
Chronicles the ongoing construction of the city’s Muti-Generational Center, beginning in early 2014 with the background information including the City Council’s approval of the Parks & Recreation Department’s expansion which is set to include senior activities.
Popular cafe shares reviews about its food and service, articles about the owners as well as the cafe itself, letters from happy customers, and details about jam sessions by the husband who was once a member of Asleep At the Wheel.
A Christian adoption agency in Waco furnishes posts about adoption in general, birth mothers, myths about adoption, and parenting. Other items include articles about National Adoption Day and goals for change.
Irving Convention & Visitors Bureau
Articles are about things to do in Irving, various diners and pubs, holidays, and hiking trails and parks. Also has details about the Academy of Country Music Awards as well as the after party.
A Richardson pastor shares his thoughts, insights, and knowledge of God, Christ, and the bible here. He goes into some detail about various people in the bible, with what amount to thumbnail biographies, which helps to make the bible narratives more 3-dimensional. He also gives his ideas about such things as dealing with anger (shunning and excommunication) and the Boston Marathon bombing and offers links to his podcast sermons.
LaredoWatch shares updates on local news, sports, and politics as well as entertainment. Other topics include candidates and campaigns for local office like City Council, upcoming concerts and election results.
The owner of a vintage shop chronicles her life, her home, and her store, including descriptions and photographs of her inventory. She also walks through the progression of her move from the corporate world to the satisfying of her childhood dream.
This weblog provides information about news events from the state of Texas.
A self-proclaimed strong progressive writes about his thoughts on such things as whether the debt ceiling is constitutional or not, the so-called Arab Spring, politics in general, and much commentary on Huffington Post stories.
This corner of the internet is for the mothers of children in Nw Braunfels and includes posts about do-it-yourself projects, activities for children, and celebrations and events for he children in town.
The subtitle of this weblog is “The Prodigal Returns Home To Richardson, and Tries To Figure Out WTH Is Going On,” an he is re-learning his way around and noticing different things. Having bought his first house with his wife, he writes about his life and things like post-mortgage scammers, advancing diversity, and offers reviews of various eateries.
This collaborative weblog displays information bout Nacogdoches, the “Oldest Town in Texas, like both new and old businesses, Chamber of Commerce and Jaycee meetings and events, new construction and bicycling through the city. Also posts about concerts, new directions the city is taking, and enjoying the city and its tranquility.
Readers are invited to post their own items here, whether it’s about a complaint that the reader wants to air, a favorite quote, commentary on news, whether local or national, or even international.
This blog serves as an electronic journal for the blogger, with random thoughts, interviews and articles of interest to him, various photographs, and requests for people to share rides or things he wants to buy. Also shares some funny -- and possibly wrong -- trivia and interesting origins of words and expressions.
New Braunfels Photographic Society
The official photo club gives readers a chance to see examples of the photography taken by members, entries into unofficial photo contests with narrow qualifications, get invited to regular public meetings, and read the agendas and minutes of those real life meetings.
Official Blog of Galveston Island
The official blog of Galveston Island, Texas Tourism and Marketing offers a plethora of topics, including where to eat on the Island, things to do, fishing news and opportunities, and the history of this community.
Provides details about local news, real estate, shopping, events, and entertainment in Katy. Also points out jobs for those looking.
Palms of Paradise, Winnie, Texas
A woman in Winnie who loves palm trees owns this weblog. She and her husband lives on a 20-acre palm farm. She posts about her palm trees with photographs and detailed descriptions of various types of trees, including brown and yellow fig trees, pineapple plants, date palms, and coral vines.
This weblog began in the summer of 2009 with information about the Pharr Texas Riot in 1971. It so happens that the blogger lives right where that riot took place, and he fills his readers in about the history of the town as well as the high school.
Relentless Criminal Defense: John L. Venza Jr
Discussions here focus on criminal law, including thef, firearms offenses, and sex offenses.
Restaurants and events in San Antonio are the main subject of this blog, which offers reviews of restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. Other topics are the Spurs and anything involving them. Awards, which are earned by all sorts of local establishments, are also profiled here.
Shares news and commentary about San Angelo. Also publishes weather, including severe weather, reports and countdowns to special events including local public school days left. Businesses moving in or closing in town.
This weblog is for and about mothers in San Antonio and contains things that interest that population, such as articles about 100 free things to do in San Antonio this summer, more than 70 vacation bible schools in the city, the local book festival, and the benefits of summer camp.
Advances information about places and things to eat in San Marcos, including fresh strawberries and Texas barbecue, as the blogger explores the hills and rivers of San Marcos.
Child support, custody battles, military family law, and divorce law are the topics most frequently discussed in this weblog.
Offers photographs of various things, chief among them, birds, due to the fact that this blogger is interested in photography and bird watching.
This collaborative venture gives an account of the things including sights and sounds, political scene, culture, and quirkiness f the city of Laredo via written word and photography.
Aimed at local parents, this blog is the official weblog of the Texarkana Parent Magazine. It gives advice about parenting, offers printable holiday and greeting cards, and shares ways to have fun at home. There are also numerous items which talk about family-friendly places to take the children in and around Texarkana.
A stay-at-home mother of two children shares her advice about easy and inexpensive decor for various holidays and for every day. She offers virtual tours of her home, room by room, and supplies plenty of photographs of her seasonal redecorating ideas.
Fly fisher from Texas provides entries about fishing gear, flies, food, music, and travel.
Covers the art scene in Brownsville with articles about paintings, murals, writers, and painters, as well as other modes of creative expression.
A Midland resident who is a Christian and uses a Mac writes about living in Midland, local news, every job he has had, history, technology, and random thoughts. He also posts photographs he has taken of nature and other things that interest him.
The purpose of this weblog is to connect parents, staff, teachers, and the community in the cause of education by the Independent School District in Baytown. Also lays out guidelines and tips for posting effectively.
Local attorney maintains this weblog, which addresses employment law, family law, personal injury, and civil rights.
Furnishes details and reviews of restaurants, pizza places, food trucks, catering companies, seafood eateries, coffee shops, bakeries, and ice cream shops, as well as ethnic food such as Mexican, Greek, and Thai food.
The Supreme Court of Texas Blog
Offering news, events and legislative actions from the Texas Supreme Court.
Provides information about the author’s business, The Veranda, which is a second-hand retail business. She announces her wares and what they will be at various times as well as which venues. She also gives details about her Etsy pages, where those who are interested can see what is for sale at any time.
Dog bites, bus accidents, distracted driving, automobile defects, and oil and gas are just some of the topics which this weblog offers.
A Tyler resident reviews restaurants in the area using a 5-point system, from “Avoid at all costs” to “The food and experience area outstanding, worth the expense or travel.” From burger joints to steak houses, and ethnic as well as pizza, he offers descriptions of the food as well as the ambience and presentation.
This is a real estate weblog about Tyler, and it contains posts about buyers, sellers, and mortgage. Posts about various properties for sale describe the property and display photographs while many of them are simply “how-to” articles about such things as preparing your home for sale and various tips for selling a property.
Wichita Falls Convention & Visitors Bureau
Spring break, holiday festivals, and theater offerings are commonly the topics here, as are items which tell stories and give commentary and contests such as scavenger hunts. Additionally, there are items from people who visit frequently, as well as those who have moved to Wichita Falls.
Announces upcoming sales and events, displays photographs and descriptions of items up for sale, and shares details about bargains. From vintage clothing to dolls and mannequins, an everything in between.
A pagan woman in Azle writes about bing a “green witch,” a grandmother, and her wish to create an annual gathering of pagans in town. She also discusses such things as essential oils and what they’re good for, and other topics including news, racism, and copywriting.