The city of Troy, New York is the seat of Rensselaer County. Prior to the appearance of Europeans, the area which is now Troy was Mohican land. The first settlement of Europeans in the area was Fort Orange, which is now called Albany, where a barricaded trading post was built by the Dutch West India Company. Soon, the land on which Troy now sits was bought by a Dutch jeweler who was a director of the Dutch West India Company, named Kiliaen van Rensselaer. The land was soon deeded and in the 163os and it became a feudal colonial government called the patroonship of Rensselaerswyck. The first settlement in what is now Troy was the farm of Thomas Chambers, created on leased land on the banks of the North River, which would one day be called the Hudson River. In 1664, the English wrested control of New Netherland in a surprise attack. The Dutch took power back in August of 1673, but they only held it for a short time because in November 1674, the English took it back.
Regular Blogs
Presents stories about local crime as well as obituaries, news affecting or involving Troy, and local politics including who is running. Also covers the city council meetings and makeup.
This blog seeks to keep track of spending, problems, and general goings-on at city hall and has been since 2005. From city council ethics allegations to things heard on the street, this blog covers everything.
This weblog began as the Eliot Spitzer scandal was breaking, and it covered that story in depth. It also covers the drilling for oil in the Alaskan wilderness, countless calamities on the city council, and missing money.