The Empire State of New York, one of the original thirteen colonies, was the site of approximately one-third of the battles fought in the American Revolution. It was the home of the Sons of Liberty, and the Capture of Fort Ticonderoga. It is the site of the World Trade Center towers, which were attacked on September 11, 2001. This category, or its subcategories, lists blogs whose topics are related to the State of New York, or one of its counties, cities or towns.
AlbanyCatskillEndicottKingston | New YorkRochesterTroyWatertown |
Regular Blogs
Amherst Comprehensive Property Information
Contains news, announcements, and upcoming events including lane closures, board vacancies, solar power information, and the community fair.
Artists' Collective of Hyde Park
Shares the work of individuals in the collective, as well as announcing various art classes, shows, and receptions.
A middle-aged nursing assistant in upstate New York writes about her Christianity, bible college education and her lesbianism as well as movies an music she likes, politics, and life in general.
Provides posts about Bedford news and upcoming events, including details about local crime, protests, and the police blotter. Also shares information about places to shop, eat, or stay.
Hosted by State University of New York, this blog is about the university, including helping students with disabilities to smoothly transition to college, campus life in general, news, and school athletics.
Centering on Buffalo, New York, this blog contains entries about places to eat and drink, events and exhibitions, and items about businesses being restored, opening or closing in the city. The purpose of this weblog is to bring local moms together and to have a place to talk about what they are going through, making it a meeting place or support group for Albany mothers.
Shares information about dentistry with articles about how diabetes affects one's dental health, temporomandibular disorder (TMJ), and how to deal with bad breath.
News about Bedford and the surrounding area is the topic here, with articles about crime, traffic accidents, and obituaries.
Shares information about all things Newburgh, for example town meetings about closing soup kitchen and fired municipal employees. Additionally, local charities, the city budget, and workshops, seminars, and clinics are addressed.
This weblog is full of short stories and poetry written by the blogmaster, a veteran Marine who served in Iraq. Additionally, he writes about local politics and his years-long struggle to change the taxation policies, and his insights and impressions.
Tells the stories of the blogger’s crusade to get the city to keep up its properties, documenting such things as building renovations in the city to the city-owned Woodlawn Row Houses, which suffered from years of damage and neglect. The progress, or lack thereof, of the projects are generally documented by posting a photograph from before, at various times during the work, the official forms at the Building Department at the city.
The blogger, who moved to New Paltz from Manhattan maintains this weblog, which addresses many things, including how to buy a wheelbarrow, how local banks work as compared to national banks and how not to tow a car, as well as many other topics.
Hudson Valley Estate Administration Attorneys
Located in Wappingers Falls, New York, the Law Office of Lyons & Supple provides legal services for seniors and families throughout the Mid Hudson Valley. Its blog features news and stories about legal issues regarding probate, trusts, and related issues.
Hyde Park Golf and Country Club
This weblog was created in order to keep the country club membership apprised of the initiatives on the grounds of the golf and country club as well as photos and videos of the grounds.
This weblog is run by two people, a man and a woman, who write about numerous facets of Ithaca including public transportation, buying food at local stores, local and national elections and, and the Ithaca Festival.
This blog, begun after what appears to have been a painful breakup, is full of interesting things, aside from the descriptions of the aftermath of that incident, such as his original artwork, and random thoughts about life.
Knitting with the Chicks with Stocks of Glenmont, NY
This blog is centered around knitting and is maintained by the local knitting group Sticks with Sticks. Posts include topics including their donation of knitted items to various causes such as homeless shelters, hospitals, and hospices as well as other charities.
Discussion here is centered on the beauty of Lake George, with items about places to eat, stay, and things to do in the area.
A figure skater in Lake Placid writes about that sport, results from championships and contests, and a feature which highlights the guest skater of the week.
An empty-nest couple from Cleveland moves to Jamestown as part of the “Transitions Towns” movement and blogs about their experiences as they work with their new community to build resilience in response to climate change, economic instability, and peak oil.
Long Island Motor Vehicle Accidents Law Blog
David J. Raimondo & Associates is a personal injury law firm in Long Island, New York. Its site focuses on automobile accident suits, airline injuries, and medical malpractice.
This blog serves as a journal for a woman to write about her 45th year, and to chronicle the items on her list of things to do before her 45th. Topics include books she’s read, cross-stitch and embroidery, thrift store shopping, and gardening.
After being called a "local gadfly" by a candidate for town council, the blogger discusses local politics, issues discussed by he school board and by the council, town elections, and an assortment of local politicians and representatives.
New York Employment Lawyer Blog
A legal blog that covers New York employment law, news and events. Written by employment lawyers at the Ottinger Firm.
New York Personal Injury Law Blog
News items in New York are the fodder for this blog, which comments on them from the perspective of an attorney in Manhattan.
Articles here include those about the speed and force of the flow of the Niagara River, The size of the crest line of Horseshoe Falls, across the river on the Canadian side, and places to relax, explore, and eat while visiting. There are also numerous posts about the zip line which traverses 2,200 feet into the lower Niagara Gorge.
Arts and entertainment in the Capital Region, Berkshires and Hudson Valley.
This is a local political weblog which began with issues like the local police being caught caught in a sex scandal, cronyism, and the failure of the local press to keep the public abreast of the goings-on. Early on, the blog began to report about the mayor and some of the problems with him, which were not minor. The last post was after the mayor committed suicide in his garage.
The unofficial news blog for Oswego shares news with an opinionated twist as well as opinion pieces, frequently derogatory of one person or another. Also airs complaints about the area.
State University of New York at Oswego presents its student blogs, which share stories of students from all different backgrounds, stages of college, and cultures, each of whom gives their view of day-to-day life in SUNY Oswego.
Information about Poughkeepsie is found here, including good places to eat, golf tournaments in the area, and an online community consisting of local divorcees and those who are separated from their spouses.
Local photography firm shares its portfolio, including portraits of brides, grooms, wedding parties, families, newborns, and senior class photographs. Additionally displays pinups and special effects.
This weblog is kept up by a local foodie, with photographs accompanying each post. Topics include various local restaurants, wine and food festivals, and reviews of eateries.
Displays photographs of local events, people, and places. Some of the subjects are the annual fireworks display, the moon in various phases, the cemetery, and birds. Each photograph is accompanied by the photographer's information as to whether or not a flash was used, exposure time, and what lens she used.
Maintained by a master gardener, this blog addresses aquascape gardening, organic gardening, and gardening practices. She also imparts her principles of sensible and sustainable planting.
Discussions and explanations about how to work out a compromise in child custody cases, what child support pays for, how to hire an experienced divorce lawyer, and how to beat the stress of a divorce.
Covers all sorts of topics, such as how not to potty train your child, tips for beginner skiers, deciding for or against traditional preschool, and one called "When Did I Become My Mom?"
Shares the progress of the local town board, with an emphasis on the fight to resolve the issue of the town's official ethics standards, though there are certainly many other issues written about here.
The posts here are centered on the various nightlife venues in Ithaca, including not only places to dance or drink, but the chamber orchestras and children’s concerts at the Ithaca public library.
The local United Church of God provides information from the weekly commentary and scripture, thoughts about such things as political correctness, and sermons about Christian living, marriage and family, and prophecy.