The Garden State of New Jersey was a Dutch colony known as New Netherland, was one of the original thirteen colonies and passed the New Jersey Constitution of 1776 two days before the Second Continental Congress declared independence from Britain. This category features blogs about New Jersey travel, real estate, politics and daily life.
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Regular Blogs
As the title indicates, this weblog is about the city of Camden, with posts about local government, and the blogger's own published articles and commentary about the same thing.
A local construction company which specializes in both residential and commercial remodeling maintains this blog, which shows blueprints and numerous before and after photographs and descriptions of some of the remodeling and other jobs they've done, including a pool house, window replacements, dormer additions, and siding.
Trumpets entertainment in the Atlantic City hotels, casinos, and other venues, including musical acts and tightrope walkers, as well as things for children to do while there. Also dissects the local news and ads commentary on it.
Keeps track of and informs readers about Glen Ridge crimes, fires, empty buildings, and holiday events. Additionally, the blog announces such things as free compost, and open house events in homes for sale.
Provides information and insights about boating in the Barnegat Bay, boating safety, and history such as stories about pirates and privateers of the Bay. Additional posts address such things as the 2013 tsunami and laws which are meant to improve the water in Barnegat Bay.
A baseball umpire keeps this blog up to date. He posts about men's and ladies' slow pitch, and softball, all of which he umpires, and he talks about the different between umpiring as a volunteer verses for pay. He also posts his contact information for people looking for an umpire in the area.
The stated mission of this blog is to provide a place for news in and around Bedminster, with local photographs. There are posts about local road delays and detours, local politics and political questions, taxes, and projects in and around town.
Created as a way to help to keep Belmartians better informed about the goings-on in Belmar., as well as other things which interest residents. Discussions about the local high school and its investment in the downtown area and the Chamber of Commerce's "Wine & Dine Wednesday" are posted here, as is information about strokes and how to tell when someone is having one.
Bergen County New Jersey Real Estate Blog
Maintained by Tami Rapaport’s Team, a real estate firm in Tenafly, New Jersey, the blog offers information about available residential or commercial properties, local events, and other information.
A freelance writer and community activist writes this progressive weblog, which focuses on the happenings in Highland Park as well as mixing in various political pieces. She has posts about Occupy Wall Street, Bernie Sanders, the virtues of the Democrat Party, and the "greening" of Highland Park.
This team, about a soccer team called the Bobcats, is kept up by the team, as it has been since 2009. It includes scores, upcoming games, and in some cases, play-by-plays of games.
The Bogota library displays announcements, upcoming events, and things such as bus schedules and days seniors can get flu shots. Post topics include story time at the Bogota library, meetings of the Bogota Borough Council, and holiday events.
When this blog was born, the blogger was still a soccer mom, which is what she named the blog for. She has mostly stopped writing about the sport since her children grew up, and now she writes about local politics, and her day-to-day life.
Camden New Jersey Criminal Law Blog
Publishes a plethora of posts which address people who are currently wanted, crimes that have been committed, and people who have been arrested in Camden. Also, in the case of wanted criminals, announces rewards and ways to contact the police to help and to collect rewards.
Describes life in Cape May, with posts about various storms and the aftermaths of them, local projects, upcoming events, who is new in town, who is gone, and who has relocated locally in town.
Central Jersey Spine & Wellness
Central Jersey Spine & Wellness displays posts about the connection between chiropractic care and nutrition, the effects of commuting and of sitting at a desk all day on your back, and attaining a more relaxed and balanced life.
Keeps readers current with the happenings of the Chess Mates Chess Club, starting with tournaments, winners of those contests, and recaps of past games.
City of Bridgeton Press Releases
Contains all of the city's press releases and media alerts, with topics like Meals-on-Wheels, parades and other holiday events and memorials, and pending construction of new homes.
Online since 2009, this weblog addresses local political and governmental issues such as shared or consolidated services, the budget, property tax relief or lack thereof, and liberty in general. Also addresses and interprets political spin from time to time.
Started and maintained by a man who has lived in Cape May full time since 2004 and was President of the Chamber of Commerce for three years, this weblog is about things that the residents are doing, both for fun and for money, upcoming events, hurricane and other severe warnings, and local news.
The goings-on of Cranbury are the topics discussed in this weblog. It covers the Cranbury Township Committee and its decisions, closings of businesses, local political news, and questions about the township's affordable housing committee.
This blog belongs to the Cranbury Pubic Library and carries articles about books. Also announces the meetings of the Afternoon Discussion Group, as well as other events sponsored by the library.
The Crystal Ballroom hosts events, such as weddings and mitzvahs and keeps this weblog which shows readers such things as compelling wedding day closeup photographs, wedding planning tips, and tips for selecting wedding shoes.
A Bedminster design consultant firm which specializes in residential and corporate interior decorating and design shares the author's knowledge of design basics, including color and color connections with one another and when to use various colors, for example which to use in small places, and which to use in dark places. Also shares some of the consultancy's work, both finished and still in progress.
The law offices of D'Arcy Johnson Day maintains offices in Egg Harbor Township, Atlantic City, Toms River, and Wildwood, New Jersey. Its blog offers information and news stories relating to personal injury cases, accidents, and medical malpractice.
Community weblog informs readers of local news about politics, governance, and crime as well as more light-hearted items. Covers local election information, photographs of the borough including the water tower, the skyline, and views of the Delaware River.
Franklin Sussex Hyandai is an auto dealership, specializing in the sale of new Hyundai vehicles, in the borough of Sussex, New Jersey. Its products, special offers, and events are highlighted on its blog.
This weblog belongs to the local Quaker school and covers topics including GeoGebra, Friends Music School, solving beach erosion, backyard winter bird feeding, and the fifth grade visit to Gettysburg.
The Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen shares information about the Diocese as well as the faith, with posts about how the parishioners can use Church resources about voting, the Year of Mercy, Catholic Charities, and general Church news.
The man who runs this weblog is on the Hillsborough Township Board of Education and is the chair of the Historic Preservation Commission. He writes about the history of the township, the Duke Estate, "Central New Jersey Walk Now for Autism" and other autism-related events, and current events.
Glasgold Group Plastic Surgery
Glasgold Group, a local plastic surgery group, informs readers about teens and rhinoplasty, the dangers of double jaw surgery, the surging popularity of Botox among men, stem cell facelifts, and facelift versus mini-facelift. Also explains "fat transfer," which involves taking the patient's own fat from an unwanted place and injecting it into another part of the body where it is wanted.
This legal weblog is kept up by a local family and divorce law firm. The items written about here include how to order transcripts of New Jersey trials, equitable distribution of a marital residence, and motions for post-judgment modifications of child support, alimony, or relocation.
Hasbrouck Heights Police Department
The Hasbrouck Heights Police Department publishes its policies and curfews when that applies, upcoming events like "Coffee with a Cop" and the Annual Torch, and such things as safety and security. Also shares news about local crime and wanted criminals.
This weblog addresses things to do with the parish, the pastor, prayer, and Jesus Christ. There are numerous posts which provide a prayer, fasting, giving and meditation, while other posts are about upcoming events for the parish, and messages for the congregation.
The focus of this weblog is change, particularly the changes Hillsborough is going through, and has been going through. From changing from a sparsely settled farm community to a suburb to its quest to preserve the Sourland Mountain region.
Written by a Hoboken attorney, this blog is about the law, specifically New Jersey law, and how it affects people. There are articles about divorce and child support, which box people check when asked what race they are, the war on deadbeat dads, and Sean Astin's family of one mom and 4 dads.
Topics on this blog are far-ranging, inclusive of the local farm baseball team named the Lakewood Blue Claws, the flea market, dance theater, and the Tea Party. An online source for local public notices and the New Jersey Small Business Development Centers are also referenced here.
For the most part, this blog is about news and opinions surrounding Ridgewood schools and education. Subjects are numerous, with just a few being the 2008 local election, budget, and teachers.
The health benefits of regular chiropractic visits, the connection between chiropractic care and nutrition, back strain and sitting, and aging with ease are all topics of this blog, which is maintained by a Lawrence chiropractor.
Medicine and health are the topics of this blog, with numerous posts about pregnancy, including how to drive while pregnant, breastfeeding versus formula feeding, and a survival guide for expecting dads.
The focus of this blog is government transparency, and to that end, there are written pieces about public records and truth in government. Other posts include topics such as the veracity of various local public servants, municipal salary raises, and local elections for school board and others.
Mental Health & Addiction Blog
Lakewood addiction specialist Andrew Green shares his knowledge about addiction and mental health in this weblog. Some of his most popular posts have been about phones and how screens are damaging relationships, steps to take to reduce stress, five activities which can help develop empathy, and other mental health issues that co-exist with addiction.
Middlesex County Naturalization Lawyers
Based in Edison, New Jersey, the legal firm of Lee & Garasia specializes in immigration law. Its blog features news, tips, and legal discussion relating to immigration matters.
Here you can find facts about such things as what cosmetic issues are fixed by veneers, what do do after a wisdom tooth extraction, what a dentist looks for in x-rays, and a list of foods which damage teeth.
Here you will find information about things going on in Morristown with items like Christmas events and things going on at the library, like free yoga lessons. Also has court and crime news such as news about a local man caught with semiautomatic guns being denied parole, and uplifting news about school students making artificial hands for disabled children.
Morristown National Historical Park Blog
This weblog explains what the Morristown National Historical Park Museum & Library is about, education programs, and what one would need in order to conduct research in the library. Additionally, it displays featured museum items, including manuscripts and the history of Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."
Mount Holly Main Street News Blog
Contains information about upcoming events including festivals, tours, and things like the Witches Ball in October and the Fire & Ice Festival.
A local radio station maintains this weblog, with subjects like letting the town negotiate electric company bills and local news. Also posts pictures and information about missing children.
Topics here include divorce, custody, child support, protection against domestic violence, asset division, fathers rights, paternity, modifications and relocation.
New Jersey Estate Planning Law Blog
Hosted by a law firm in New Jersey, this blog has to do with financial and estate planning, power of attorney, trusts, and wills and state laws regardomg tje,/
A local dentist keeps this blog up, writing about all things dental, including how to overcome dental anxiety, the most diplomatic way to tell someone to whiten his or her teeth, his favorite foods for healthy teeth, details about dental implants, and four dental truths learned from Star Wars.
Newton NJ Personal Injury and Family Law Blog
A Newton law firm maintains this weblog, which addresses legal issues including domestic violence, product liability, child custody, spinal cord injuries, and texting-and-driving accidents.
Newton Town Hall: Manager's Blog
The town manager of Newton uses this blog to keep people abreast of what is going on in town, with regular weekly roundups, details about town meetings, holiday closings and other pertinent information about municipal workers and offices, and Morris Lake's levels.
A dental office shares information about dental health, including the importance of mouth guards for athletes, snacking tips to keep children's teeth healthy, the benefits of dental implants, and a news item which states that studies have found that chewing sugar-free gum boosts dental health.
An Ocean City real estate firm offers a blog with articles about such things as strategies for investors in the local real estate, how long mortgages can stay low and why, and how to know when it's time to change to a new realtor.
This legal blog, run by the Fox Rothschild firm, shares legal information about family law issues including prenuptial agreements, divorce, custody, mediation and arbitration, and domestic violence as well as tax issues, and estate and trust issues.
The pastor at Colts Neck Church writes the posts in this log. Most of the writing is about Jesus Christ and biblical concepts, and how they fit into today's life.
A place where people can paint and sip wine shares news about the studio as well as its uses. There are posts about how to use it for team building as well as for parties and relaxation and how to book a room for a private event.
Features press releases, political news, opinion and election results for the state of New Jersey.
Records the redevelopment of Rahway, with articles about acquisitions, the prices of various homes at specific addresses, and red light cameras being in operation despite a state law preventing them from being used.
A local dental office hosts this blog, which shares information about all things dental, including do-it-yourself cures for bad breath, how diabetes and how it relates to dental care, a primer of dental insurance terminology, and Invisalign or adults.
Rudnick, Addonizio, Pappa & Casazza
Articles in this weblog are about criminal defense, domestic violence, drunk driving, and drug charges.
Shares details and technical information about treatment of wrinkles, cellulite, overactive sweat glands, acne scarring, and sun damage as well as Botox, liposuction, and Sculptra.
The topics of this blog, which is run by a a local spiritual health clinic, include biblical healing, herbal medicine, pregnancy, cleansing, and whole foods. There are also numerous posts containing recipes and cooking tips.
Publishes information about events, food, holidays, trends, and weddings as well as news about the Sterling Ballroom. Some of the topics are the coolest summer wedding accessories, festive foods for fall weddings, and great groomsman posing ideas.
Sunset Bridge, Asbury Park, NJ
This blog shares the before, during, and after pictures of the work on the Sunset Bridge in Asbury Park, as well as narratives to describe what those images depict. The project was scheduled to take approximately 454 days beginning February 2, 2016, was immense and pictures include the first delivery, which was of 6 truckloads of sand bags, in the snow to the opening of the bridge.
The focus of this blog is to address various aspects of her hometown. She delves into Bridgeton's history, the crime rate, and gang issues which plague surrounding towns and cities, including Camden.
The Christian Church of Bayonne
The pastor of the Christian Church of Bayonne shares his thoughts and prayers with his congregation here. These posts generally start with a verse or two from the bible, then something from the secular world, and a writing that ties the two together. Additionally contains announcements, upcoming events, and other things of interest to the congregation.
Announces polling places, election results, and reports of crimes and arrests, particularly those of local officials. Also weighs in on local issues, such as the county budget and township council meetings and gives links to items of local interest which appear on other websites.
A woman living in a quaint farmhouse writes about her days and life there. Each item begins with a quote from someone famous or from someone anonymous, and each is accompanied by photographs.
The focus of this weblog is a Millstone pet resort and hotel. Online since 2011, it shares posts about the 56-acre resort, the grooming room, and the spa. You can find information about special treats for dogs like frozen yogurt cubes as well as things to play with such as freezable toys.
This blogger shares the tribulations of Hoboken as they work toward Local Agenda 21, political poetry and parody, and local politics and government. Additionally chronicles the city's recovery from Hurricane Sandy and upcoming local events.
Shares headlines with its readers about Ridgewood, New Jersey, the nation, and the world. Also includes commentary which examines news through the lens of a laissez-faire point of view.
A sampling of the posts on this cosmetic surgeon include those about Botox and its role in helping people who sweat excessively, a non-surgical alternative to liposuction called CoolSculpting that involves freezing the fat, and a new lip implant treatment called PermaLip.
The Smoke Rise and Kinnelon Blog
A Kinnelon couple founded this blog in order to share the history, sights, and sounds of Kinnelon, which they call "this magical place." The blog provides a place for classified ads placed at no charge by readers. Also brought up in the articles are ghost stories, hiking trails, local recipes, and photographs of Hurricane Irene in 2011.
Discussions here involve topics about local politics, local news, and opinion and commentary about just about everything, including the school budget, recreational marijuana in New Jersey, telephone scams, and Apple and their strange relationship with U.S. federal agencies and how it affects the average consumer and their privacy.
Written by a man who claims that he is not a food writer or even a writer and is certainly not a restaurant reviewer, this blog centers on restaurant reviews and food entries.
The United Faith Church shares bible verses, commentary on those verses, and words to help readers apply them and their concepts to their lives.
A local law firm maintains this weblog, which addresses legal issues and news. For example, there are posts about injuries at rehab facilities, physician sexual abuse, bus and train wrecks, lapses in transit safety, and New Jersey's distracted driving ban.
Shares information about wildlife and pest control in Fairfield and the surrounding area, this blog tells the reader what to do about ant infestations, as well as bees and mosquitos, particularly in light of the Zika virus.