Bowling Green, Kentucky is the county seat of Warren County. Although the city declared itself neutral during the Civil War, the majority of the citizenry was on the side of the Confederacy. In 1861, the Rebel army, after much fighting, occupied Bowling Green and made it the provisional capital of the Confederate government of Kentucky
Regular Blogs
Betsyanne's Blog from the Garden Spot
A Bowling Green resident with a plethora of interests, including arts, writing, and selling on eBay, writes about upcoming events, her art and other hobbies, and random thoughts.
Bowling Green Daily News WKU Sports Blog
This is the weblog of the Western Kentucky University beat reporter for the local newspaper. It offers details about local WKU athletes, their contests, games, and races and documents the progress of alumni who make it to the professional leagues.
Bowling Green International Festival Blog
The annual Bowling Green International Festival, celebrated on Circus Square on the last Saturday of September is the focus of this blog, providing details about the upcoming festival as well as chronicling the doings of the last one.