The city of DeKalb, Illinois, on the south branch of the Kishwaukee River, was founded as Buena Vista in 1837. It was later renamed Huntley’s Grove in honor of the city’s founder Russell Huntley, and finally named DeKalb in the 1850s after General Johann Kalb, also known by the name of Baron de Kalb, an American Revolutionary hero. It is located in DeKalb County.
Regular Blogs
Born in 2005 during a fight about whether or not to put a mega-warehouse in town across from a residential area, this blog has remained active, its readers having realized that working behind the scenes is effective in such struggles.
DeKalb Masonic Organizations Blog
The unofficial blog of the Masonic Lodge in DeKalb posts details about meetings, visits, and upcoming events as well as seminars and other gatherings.
Wogen Watch: An Online Archive for DeKalb, Illinois
Online since 2007, this weblog was created specifically to chronicle the actions of one-time Third Ward Alderman Victor Wogen. It follows him from the days of his denial and then un-denial about his involvement in a controversial campaign mailer, through his two domestic battery charges, his divorce, his resignation and subsequent spin on that resignation, and finally his arrest for drunk driving and texting while driving both of which caused him to strike a light pole and a median sign.