In 1876 Colorado became the 38th state in the United States. Located in the Rocky Mountains, its capital is Denver. The state was named after the color of the soil, as Colorado is Spanish for “red colored,” and its motto, Nil sine Numine, means “Nothing without the Deity.” The first Europeans there were the Spanish conquistadors in the late 1500s and became part of Mexico. It was ceded to the United States after the Mexican-American War, which was fought from 1846 to 1846, as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In the summer of 1849, a wagon train bringing prospectors to California stopped at a creek and one of the prospectors, Lewis Ralston, panned almost $5.00 worth of gold. He continued on to California and returned to Colorado eight years later, precipitating the Pike’s Peak Gold Rush in 1958. In 1879, silver was discovered nearby, touching off the Colorado Silver Boom, and coal mining took off a few years later. Colorado history is rich in mining strike violence, with the Cripple Creek strike of 1894, triggered by the Cripple Creek mine owners lengthened the work day from eight hours a day to ten hours but keeping the wage at $3.00 per day. When the miners began to protest, the owners agreed to keep the eight-hour day but lowered the daily wage to $2.50. Numerous mines in the region joined the strike. Strikebreakers were brought in, and with them rising tensions. Violence broke out and two days later, a group of armed striking miners ambushed six sheriff’s deputies. The mine owners brought in hundreds of non-union workers and then raised a private army. When all was said and done, the miners won, and soon the success of the strike had spawned 54 local unions. In 1972, the state of Colorado became the only state to ever reject an offer to host the Olympics when they turned down the International Olympic Committee’s invitation to host the 1976 Winter Olympics because voters were opposed to using state tax revenue to finance the Games.
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Regular Blogs
Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities
The multidisciplinary arts center is supported by the City of Arvada, the Scientific & Cultural Facilities District, and Colorado Creative Industries. Its blog offers information about events, programs and projects.
Arvada Five Parks Farmers Market
Located in Arvada, Colorado, the market features locally grown foods and crafts. Vendor information and announcements of events are featured in its blog, and photographs of various products are included.
Membership information, schedules, events, and projects of the organization are highlighted on the club's blog.
Find detailed polling and political coverage of events in Colorado. Covers the activities of Democrats and Republicans alike.
Shares the history of central Colorado's history, the ins and outs of genealogy, and the writer's family connections.
Although the photoblogger does not actually upload a picture every day, but she does come close. Aside from the mandatory mountain pictures, she posts photographs of local events such as car shows, murals, people living life, and an occasional landmark, such as the giant orange paper clip.
A single mom chronicles the days and nights with her young son and her job.
A Durango couple who are in the real estate industry keeps their readers apprised of upcoming events such as races and challenges, as well as local news and what it’s like to live in Durango. They sometimes tout properties for sale, but not as much as they discuss other matters.
Fine Fettle Girl's Post Victorian Guide
This blog is dedicated to women who want to be like Donna Reed, and to busy mothers and discusses time-saving tips for a budget kitchen and sewing room.
Fort Collins Personal Injury Law Blog
Colorado news items as commented on by legal experts, who discus them and the law.
Sets forth details about mountain bike riding in the Rockies, training for the races, and his day-to-day life.
The Law Office of Ginger Vidrine provides trusted criminal defense services to Colorado clients in Boulder, Longmont and throughout the surrounding communities, representing clients in matters involving criminal defense, DUI defense, drug charges, domestic violence and white collar crime.
Consists of political events and news in the state of Colorado, from a Libertarian viewpoint.
The focus of this blog is things to do and see in Telluride, including such things as family-friendly venues, hiking, summer festivals, winter activities, and things to do in the fall.
Displays information about Colorado politics, government, and conservatism.
Contains news, both local and world, as well as announcements of community events, items about readers’ personal activities, and commentary.
With an emphasis on local businesses and events, this blog shares details about new businesses, local news, sports, and entertainment items. Also publishes announcements which affect those who live and work in Pueblo.
The blogger, who lives on a ranch in Colorado and raises llamas, talks about living in the Colorado Rockies, breeding animals, and spinning yarn. Literally.
Displays color photographs and videos of Telluride and its various activities and events, including the Heritage Festival, skiing, hot air ballooning, and even cupcakes and baked goods.
Written and maintained by the pastor of Grace Community Church in Centennial, Colorado, the blog presents articles on a variety of Christian topics.
Silver Fern Homes is an agency that presents current real estate news and events in Boulder, Colorado.