Fairbanks, Alaska, situated in the borough of Fairbanks North Star, was founded in 1901 by Captain E.T. Barnette, who was on his way to set up a trading post in Tanacross, when the steamboat he was on ran aground a few miles from that place in what is now Fairbanks. It is named after Teddy Roosevelt’s Vice President, Charles W. Fairbanks.
Regular Blogs
A University of Alaska in Fairbanks student studying Natural Resource Management writes about her thoughts about the environment, life, and world peace, as well as the climate and sky conditions in Fairbanks with numerous photographs.
The author of this blog lives in Fairbanks with her husband who is a photographer. Together they present this blog about living where they do and include pictures with each entry.
A couple chronicles their days in Fairbanks with photographs and words. Topics include flora including mushrooms and building their cabin.
Seeks to bring discussion of community-building and neighborhood culture as well as architecture, transportation, and other things that are or would be a boon to Fairbanks. The bulk of the posts center on life in this unusual city, creative use of space, energy-efficient travel, and equal access.
Wandering in Fairbanks: Stephen Cysewski
The photoblogger uses this blog to share his photographs, which he uses to depict the personality of Fairbanks. He frequently displays photos of the strange or funny subjects.