Alabama’s largest city, Birmingham, is the county seat of Jefferson County. It was named after the city of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Its nicknames include the Magic City and The Pittsburgh of the South, both due to the city’s amazing growth and industrial capabilities.
Regular Blogs
This resource for bloggers teaches people how to make their blogs stand out from all the rest. Aside from offering physical classes, this blog offers tidbits to anyone who cares to read them.
Birmingham Criminal Defense Bog
A Birmingham law firm dissects cases in the news about such things as a 14-year-old accused of homicide, copper thieves, and laws regarding camera at traffic lights.
Mother of three young children talks about her scrapbooking hobby, television shows, and things she's read, as well as life in Birmingham, Alabama.
Contains the bloggers musings about things that go on around town and other places, with topics ranging from Birmingham trademarks to the McWane Science Center.
Attempts to speak to all things about Alabama's Magic City of Birmingham, including items about culture, the local economy, and local news.
Shares news and commentary about Birmingham, including such things as legislative news, upcoming events, and civic happenings such as openings of neighborhood recreation centers.