The United States of America, a federal constitutional republic which is made up of fifty states as well as a federal district. It comprises much of central North America between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, except for the state of Hawaii, which is a chain of islands in the Pacific and the state of Alaska, which is in the extreme northwest, bordering on the countries of Canada and Russia, across the Bering Strait. Blogs about the United States are listed in this category.
Regular Blogs
Barack Obama's Teleprompter's Blog
Subtitled, "Because there is no POTUS without TOTUS," this satirical weblog it written from the point of view of the White House teleprompter.
Hosted and maintained by the Federation of American Scientists, this online journal offers articles and entries about such things as nuclear weapons, and demagnetization facilities.
The official blog of the Supreme Court of the United States discusses various cases it had heard, points of law in the United States, and publishes transcripts of oral arguments from the day of posting.
U.S. Agricultural & Food Law and Policy Blog
Meant to be a comprehensive information, news, and research resource for the country's agricultural community, this blog contains entries about food and food safety, laws, and nutrition safety, among other things.