The United Mexican States, commonly called simply Mexico, is directly south of the United States and north of Belize and Guatemala. It is a federation of thirty-one states and a federal district, which serves as its capital. The focus of this category is blogs which are about Mexico, its culture, politics, and travel, among other things.
Regular Blogs
An American expatriate from Walla Walla, Washington living in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, publicly ponders her life of travel, writing, quilting, and studying Spanish.
Adventures Of A Third World Shopkeeper
The writer of this weblog, an American expatriate who fled Britain and now lives with his wife and daughter in Mexico, writes about the cultures he left versus the one in Mexico. After five years blogging from Mexico, he has escaped now to Canada.
English-language information and analysis regarding the United States and its impact on the War on Drugs in Mexico, as well as politics, and immigration.
Personal blog about the writer's family, her daily life in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, photography. gardening, and cooking, as well as anything else that interests her.
Brenda and Roy Going to Mexico
The blog journal of a couple's six-month trip to Guaymas, Sonoro, Mexico in the winter of 2005-2006. The original journal is intact, and they have added a continuing journal of their lives there since they subsequently moved there.
This blog, started in October, 2006, chronicles the decision to move to Mexico, the preparation, the move itself, and the blogging couple's subsequent life in Mazatlan.
David Lida: Mostly Mexico City
Having lived in Mexico City for more than twenty years, this blogger writes about what he finds most captivating about the city. Topics include Mexican culture, buildings, music and history.
Ezshwan Winding: Please Touch The Paintings
American artist, an expatriate living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, writes about her six-year residency in Mexico, her artistic career there, and her home studio.
Jim & Carole's Mexico Adventure
This blogger moved to Ajijic, Jalisco after he retired as a union organizer in 2007 and writes about living in Jalisco as well as the exploring he and his wife do in the area. He includes photographs and has written about the Tapalpa waterfall, Puerto Vallarta, and the Convent of Santo Domingo.
Jim & Carole's Mexico Adventure
A couple who lives in a village on Lake Chapala, Mexico, travels around that country and chronicles those trips with photographs, descriptions, and historic background.
The author here was on vacation in Playa del Carmen when they bought a hotel. This blog chronicles their lives there after moving from San Francisco, buying the run-down hotel, and nurturing it back to economic health. Shares information about crime and safety in the area, holidays, and places to eat, drink, and visit while at the beach.
Contains posts about learning Spanish, nuances of the language and various dialects, his life in Mexico, and his memories of earlier times as opposed to now.
Entries in this blog include those about the Mexican culture and cuisine.
Contains stories about living in and traveling through Mexico, including San Juan Cosala and Ajijic.
Mexicowoods: An Expatriate Life
An American living in San Miguel de Allende writes about life and love in another country, shares his photography, and talks about his former life as a Silicon Valley engineer.
Mexpatriate in the Key of Steve
Having retired from Oregon to the west coast of Mexico, this blogger writes about his life as an expatriate. Topics include the weather, the culture, and living the life of leisure in the balmy climate.
The entries in this blog are written by an expatriate retiree who lives in Medio de Nada, Michoacan, and is in large part about cuisine, Mexican and otherwise, as well as about the life of an expat living south of the border.
Oaxaca Cultural Navigator : Norma Hawthorne
Writer who grew up in Los Angeles and lived in several states in the United States now lives with an indigenous family in Zapotec village and aims to convey the beauty and culture of Oaxaca.
An expatriate from the Omaha, Nebraska, in the United States, currently in San Diego de Alejandria, writes about his experiences in the state of Jalisco.
Contains information about visiting Puerto Vallarta including upcoming and annual events, reviews and menus of local restaurants, entertainment in the area, and the history and news pertinent to those in the region.
San Pancho Writers Nayarit, Mexico
Five American women who live in the small beach town of San Francisco, Nayarit near Puerto Vallarta and write for a living, keep this blog going as they have since 2007, and post about life in that part of Mexico.
Chronicles the experiences in Mexico, starting in Baja California in 2004, through Colima in 2006, and on to Jocotepec in 2009.
A missionary at Emmanuel Ministries in Juarez writes about the city as well as his ministry. Topics include news from Juarez, the cultures of Chihuahua, and the boys at his children's home.
Having moved to Mexico City in mid-2005, the blogger, a British English teacher, writes about life and society in the country, and architecture. Photographs are frequently posted.
A soon-to-be expatriate publishes this blog, which seeks answers about his future home in Mexico, and updates his readers with information about international taxation.
Answers questions about moving from other countries to the Yucatan Peninsula, buying property or starting a business there. Some of the topics addressed are about airlines serving the area, immigration procedures, and the employment market.
Includes musings by a woman living in Mexico. The musings include items about San Miguel, traveling, and a section for and about expatriate women.