Located in Southeast Asia, Malaysia shares borders with Thailand, Indonesia, and Brunei. The largest city, Kuala Lumpur, is also its capital, and the official language is Malaysian.
Regular Blogs
Contains entries about cooking in just about every category of food there is, recipes and crafts for children, and food-related events and contents the blogger has entered. She also shares restaurant reviews and posts about family matters and other items which do not fit anywhere else.
A freelance writer who lives in Kuala Lumpur blogs about love, food, travel, and happiness.
The blogger uses this weblog in order to share his food findings and information about his lifestyle. He gives reviews on the food he enjoys.
A weblog chronicling the life, thoughts and opinion of Peter Gabriel Tan, a wheelchair user living with spinal chord injury. This weblog is dedicated to covering disability issues and everything about Malaysia. This weblog also features poems, food posts and other matters from the heart.