Also known as Burkina, the landlocked nation of Burkina Faso was once named the Republic of Upper Volta. It is surrounded by six countries: Niger, Mali, Benin, Togo, Ghana, and Cote d'Ivoire and has as its capital the city of Ouagadougou.
Regular Blogs
Written by a health volunteer from Massachusetts, the is an account of the entire process, beginning with her filing the application and continuing day-to-day with her observations and insights.
A Peace Corps volunteer in Burkina Faso chronicles his two years of service, beginning with the letter of instruction, to his first days in Burkina, through his schooling, and teaching.
A volunteer in Burkino writes about his days in Africa, including photographs of the people in the village where he lived, the languages and food of the region, and at one point, the policies of the Pope which he says hinder aid workers.
This blog is about the preparation the blogger underwent before beginning his volunteer placement with CUSO-VSO in Bobo Dioulasso, the people, culture, and languages as well as the things he saw along the way.