Because of the nature of internet advertising, marketing and search engine optimization, once a blog has been abandoned or dormant for months, the information contained in the blog, while still useful for context and historical purposes, does not have information on it which is helpful to those looking for information, instruction, or cultural observations. Therefore, this category exists. It is dedicated to blogs which have important information in them which have not been updated in some time.
Regular Blogs
A traditional advertising agency in Boston runs this blog, which addresses the future of advertising as well as the technological side of the industry.
Covering analytics, business, click fraud, development, domains, SEO, and growing a business, among many other things. Other topics include Disneyland, movie reviews, video links, and posts asking what the reader's fighter entrance song would be, and why people should own the domain which is their name, such as
Shares tips and tricks of blogging as well as search engine optimization, with posts about adding icons to post footer elements, adding extra columns to Blogger, and changing sidebar background colors.
Internet Marketing and SEO Services
A working search engine optimization specialist since 2007 maintains this weblog, where she discusses different niche markets and how to optimize a site for the engines.
Jeremy Geelan's "New New Web" Blog
This weblog, which pays homage to the people the blogger terms co-creators of the new web, seeks to chronicle the birth and growth of the new web.
The topics of this blog include social networking and marketing via social network sites.
Web Search Engine Marketing-Internet Marketing
Consists of short entries which give tips about how to rank in the search engines.