Genealogy, the tracing of bloodlines and family lineage, is a time consuming task which involves researching official records as well as informal ones such as family bibles and photograph albums. Blogs which address genealogy, or the researching of family trees, belong here.
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Regular Blogs
Genealogy is the focus of this blog, which is run by a man who is searching for his own ancestors and offers the knowledge he has garnered over the years. He also discusses DNA and how it relates to such research.
Claiming to be a genealogist who preforms research from the comfort of her living room, the blogger shares information about how to research a family tree on the internet.
Beginning in 1999, this army wife began to research her family tree. Here she writes about what to do when one hits a genealogical brick wall, databases and other records, and trips to the places of her ancestors' births.
Provides information garnered by a woman who started out researching her own family and has numerous German and Irish bloodlines.
Discussions on this weblog include topics about data and technology as they affect those researching genealogy and such things as researching in a dysfunctional family.
Australian genealogical enthusiast maintains this blog which contains details about the names he is researching, how to locate missing data from Facebook, and other pointers and tips for searching.
Serves as a resource for people who are researching their family trees. Also contains a list of surnames she is researching, a section about Texas links, and one about black history.
Provides information, tips, and anecdotes about researching land records in order to find family tree history in local deeds.
The overriding subjects in this blog are about four of the blogger's family surnames and local history of Battle Creek, Michigan. Also included are photographs and anecdotes about her family.
A young woman chronicles her voyage into history as she digs into the history of her family. She also shares anecdotes she finds, and how she's gotten to "know" her departed ancestors.
What started out as a place to post messages containing questions and outreach to others in the same family who might be looking for answers about the author's family has turned into this blog which chronicles her journey and offers a resource to others who need to know how to find out information.
This blogger, a member of the New Hampshire Mayflower Society, writes about her family, her genealogical research, and her hometown.
Presents information about how to find one's roots and includes categories including Brigham Young University, family insight, and various research sites.
The blogger here is the one in her family who ended up the "keeper of the stuff" and embarked upon the research of her ancestry. Entries include photograph restoration, and personal archives.
Journals a vast collection of funny real estate conveyance documents such as quit-claim deeds, easements, and divorce decrees. Sources of humor include names, unusual signatures, and silly things printed on forms.
This weblog shares the adventures of the blogger's family and his turning over the family home to the younger generation and puts forth details about his research and ancestors.
Tracing Your Ancestors in the UK
Blog offers information about tracing one's ancestors in the United Kingdom.