Substance abuse, or drug addiction, is the maladaptive pattern of use of substances such as prescription or illicit drugs. Drugs most often associated with the term include opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, and barbiturates, as well as designer drugs such as ecstasy or bath salts.
Regular Blogs
The focus of this weblog is the science of substance abuse, and articles here are about scientific and medical findings regarding drugs, addiction, and alcoholism.
Provides information about substances abuse, reviews of books and movies on the subject, and resources such as rehab reviews. Also discusses addiction, relapse, and recovery basics as well as sharing conversations about overcoming addictions.
Written by a man who works in the addiction treatment industry keeps his readers abreast of what is going on in that world.
Shares news articles, information, and opinions about Medication Assisted Treatment for opiate such as methadone clinics and suboxone doctors.
Rehabilitation for addicted young adults, New Roads Treatment, lays out information about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Utah.
Early Recovery From Addiction Blog
Written for newcomers to sobriety, this blog details the journey into recovery and contains items about various 12-step programs, books about the road, and keeping it simple.