Anorexia nervosa is the eating disorder which causes the patient to have an obsessive fear of weight gain, causing the patient to be unable to maintain a healthy body weight. Some of the side effects of anorexia include bone loss, muscle loss, and heart-related problems including coronary attacks.
Regular Blogs
This weblog was created specifically for anorexics, in order to give them hope and inspiration for recovery. It provides accounts of recoveries as well as links to resources.
The mother of a boy in recovery from anorexia nervosa seeks to set the record straight about this eating disorder which is almost always associated with girls
A college student recovering from anorexia chronicles her recovery, avoiding discussion about food and exercise plans, as they are triggers for many in her position.
A science writer with more than a decade of recovery from anorexia nervosa under her belt writes about nutrition, her journey, and news and research about eating disorders.