Officially known as the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, the Episcopal Church is an Anglican Christian church which is primarily located within the confines of the United States. It was founded after the American Revolution when the American communion was forced to separate from the Church of England, which required its clergy to swear their allegiance to the King. According to its official website, the church describes itself as "Protestant, yet Catholic."
Regular Blogs
Not Another Episcopal Church Blog
An Episcopalian from northern South Carolina maintains this weblog which he claims is an unsanctioned underground for him about the Episcopalian tradition. Discussions center almost exclusively on Jesus Christ and the gospel and include discussions of various events and concepts in the gospel.
Chronicles the debate within the American disco ball church over allowing date clergy. The debate cause a split in the church where in many members chose to leave the church. This blog was published for the two most tumultuous years of that debate.
This is a blog where Episcopalians can share opinions, exchange ideas, and discuss church issues and events.
This weblog began as a journal of the recovery from Hurricane Katrina in 2006 but has morphed into discussions about the authors Episcopalian faith, social justice, theology, and the junction of faith and politics.