The word “illuminati” is defined as those who claim to possess special enlightenment or knowledge. For the purposes of this category however, the term refers to a secret society which was founded in 1776. It is usually known as the Bavarian Illuminati. Generally speaking, the term usually refers to a conspiracy theory involving a shadow government which is in control of world affairs and a connection to the New World Order.
Regular Blogs
Connecting the Dots in the New World Order
This blog centers on discussions about the Illuminati, Agenda 21, the war on terror, and man-made global warming, as well as news which is attributed to the conspiracy.
Members of Illuminati: List of Members
Shares a list of members who are part of the illuminati, along with photographs and news items which incriminate them.
Discusses conspiracy items including the Manchurian candidates, numerology, demonic and satanic powers, and the curse of Lady Gaga.