Programming, the act of writing software or applications which involves creating instructions for a computer to follow, is the topic of blogs in this category.
Regular Blogs
Discussions revolve around scripts written in Javascript, Jsp and PHP. These applications will be of much use in the websites.
All about C programming, including a tutorial, ebook, tips and tricks.
Entries are about development and include items about Microsoft, Share-Point, Silverlight, and
Technical blog offers free tricks, tips, and techniques for smart .NET programming.
Written by a software developer, this blog addresses software development, business, and the internet.
Focuses on technological, programming, and information technology issues including iPhone app developers, cloud computing, and web development companies.
Provides information about all things having to do with programming in the "C Sharp" programming language.
A technology blog that's all about Visual Basic authored by Paul Vick, Technical Lead on the visual basic .NET product at Microsoft. This weblog also contains posts about .NET and other technical stuff. This weblog started on July 2003.
A blog about Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, system administration, programming, security, patches and more.
This programming website, authored by Dave Winer, is dedicated to describing the development of web content management systems and associated technologies. The website has also recently commented on how to be a great blogger and online advertising.
This software blog explains how software development actually takes place. The blog also has reviews of books that explore other aspects of the IT industry. This blog is also a great place to learn about the difficulties of managing software projects.
Provides discussion about algorithms, javascript and data structures, and coding tips they don't teach you in school.
The Go Programming Language Blog
Discusses the computer language, how to install it, and external Go libraries.
Zen and the Art of Programming
Delves into such things as Ruby, javascript, and jQuery.