Alternate history, sometimes referred to as "alternative history," is fiction which engenders the term "what if." Such storylines usually begin in the real world of history and diverge from factual history, changing the way life would be were that divergence actual. Propositions address include what life would be like had the South won the U.S. Civil War or if Richard Nixon had won the 1960 presidential election.
Regular Blogs
An American War: An Alternate History
This weblog is about the United States and alternate historic war fought on the continent of North America.
This weblog, in existence since 1999, delves into time travel as well as alternate history in movies, television programs, literature, and the minds of people everywhere.
Earth and Other Unlikely Worlds
Online since 2006, this weblog is by alternate history author Paul McAuley who talks about his day to day life as well as some of the themes about which he writes.
This blog is mostly the ongoing story of an alternate second world war. The periods of time are broken down into three parts, the Eurasian war, the time between the wars, and the Second World War.
Displays fictional news items about events which did not actually occur but could have. It highlights history as it would have been if things would just a little bit different. For example, one of the entries is about Thomas Jefferson who joins the British in a war with Napoleon after he attacks New Orleans.