Web logs whose topics focus on crafts, or the art of making things by hand, are listed in this category. Such items including beading, crocheting, scrapbooking, and mosaic-making.
Beading & BeadworkBook ArtsCeramics & Pottery MakingGlass | LeatherworkingPaper CraftsSoap MakingTextile Arts |
Regular Blogs
Contains a large number of photographs of dolls the blogger has made, descriptions of them and how she made them, and notes about why she did things the way she did.
Offers discussion about the business side of crafting and crafting in general. Find articles about websites, online shops, and unique artisans.
Featuring articles as well as shopping information for crafting supplies. Includes a wide variety of needle craft, cross stitch, quilting and sewing resources.
Provides innovative suggestions for do-it-yourself craft projects. One of the blog's ongoing features is the craft challenge where readers can find ideas to inspire them in creating new crafts.
Features commentary on craft projects, craft festivals and more. Includes information and photos demonstrating how to create crafts out of everyday objects like brooms, tables and food. Users can subscribe to Craft magazine through this website.
A doll maker since 2001, this blogger writes about her experiences as a doll maker, doll making workshops coming up, and some of the tips of the trade.
The central idea of this weblog is making jewelry with unconventional materials including scrapbooking supplies, pin cushions, and ponytail holders.
Presents items about craft projects for kids and recipes.
Features photographs of finished projects as well as patterns, tips and tricks for working with wood. Among the projects displayed here are candlesticks, wooden tags with cutouts, and Christmas ornaments.
Discusses candles, candle making, various kinds of waxes, and scents. Additionally delves into such things as hot throw and cold throw scents, flash points, and troubleshooting.
Contains tutorials and archives of projects which rival those of Martha Stewart.
Entries include craft projects and items which inspire the blogger. Also included herein are tutorials, a guide to handmade gifts, and crafty contests.
Romy in Austria is a personal blog about needlework, especially cross stitch. The writer writes about her works in progress and showcases the finish products. The weblog features the writer's designs and other works.
Starla’s Candle Making Best Picks
The candle-making writer of this blog posts about the craft, instructions about how to make candles, where to buy supplies, and what kinds to get. Also includes numerous "how-to" videos.
Discusses creative craft kits for beginners & advanced crafters. Offers resources, giveaways, product reviews.
Topics like making ear cuffs, creating one's own bead caps, technique tips, and marketing tips are the sorts of posts which appear here.
Shares information, tips, and tools of the trade in order to help woodworkers the materials they need to make their woodworking plans a reality.